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FIDA -House Acquisition

FIDA-Kenya dream is to improve sustainability and efficiency while serving our clients as stated in one of its Strategic Objective in the new Strategic plan 2023-2027. In efforts towards its realization, FIDA-Kenya secured an ideal property that intends to host a ‘FIDA-House’

The proposed FIDA house is supposed to accommodate the mediation component amongst other facilities including housing Virtual courts, offices, temporary rescue sites, client self-representation trainings and legal aid clinics as well as litigation services.

Mediation offers a relatively efficient method for parties to peacefully settle disputes, fostering unity and mutual respect among them. This approach also enables parties to devise personalized solutions to their conflicts. To boost the utilization of this form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), FIDA-Kenya adopted various methods, including engaging certified mediators and counsellors to facilitate sessions which are done both physically and virtually across the country

Meetings have been held by the FIDA House Committee appointed by the FIDA Kenya Board to develop approaches for raising funds for the property. These included: charity fund drives-this included the 1st golf tournament which was held in 2022, grant donations from development partners, especially the FORD foundation, well-wishers and FIDA members and friends  contributions.

On the 4th of March 2024, a great milestone was witnessed as a ground-breaking ceremony for the acquisition of the New FIDA-House was done in Karen. This is in achievement of the  long-held dream of acquiring a home and years of working  towards it  including a careful search of an ideal and suitable property. The  sale agreement was witnessed by the FIDA board, secretariat  and Advocates. A cheque deposit of fifty million was issued  then.

Photo Courtesy: @Fida-Kenya

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