
We Unite to End Violence Against Women and Girls

We kicked off our #16Days of Activism campaign at Entaretoi, Kajiado East marking #16DaysOfActivism with the Maasai Community.

The global theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which will run from 25 November to 10 December 2022 (Human Rights Day), is “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls

We have planned a series of activities (over 42 activities across the country) to mark this important season when the world intensifies advocacy efforts against SGBV. These include community outreach, Free Legal Aid and psychosocial support camps, radio and TV talk shows, and group therapy sessions amongst others.

Due to the impunity, secrecy, stigma, and shame surrounding it, violence against women and girls (VAWG), one of the most pervasive, ongoing, and catastrophic human rights violations in our time, goes largely unreported.

Various forms through which women experience violence include Sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, and cyber-harassment); intimate partner violence (battery, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide); human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation); female genital mutilation; and child marriage.

According to Kenya’s Constitution, GBV constitutes a violation of human rights. Every person has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the right not to be subjected to any form of violence from either public or private sources, according to article 29. The fulfillment of women’s human rights as well as equality, progress, and peace continue to be hampered by violence against women. Overall, ending violence against women and girls is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to “leave no one behind.”

Kenya made its 12 concrete Commitments during the Generation Equality Forum in Paris in June 2021. The Commitments aim to increase the momentum of ending all forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya by 2026. Since then, the government has made strides in the implementation of these commitments. To begin, we have seen robust growth in laws and policies that speak to gender-based violence. We have gender sector working groups in all counties whose overall objective is the promotion of gender equality and women empowerment to ensure that women and men enjoy equal opportunities, rights, and obligations in all spheres of life. In addition, we have seen the launch of the first GBV court in Shanzu which was a great milestone.

Throughout its 37-year existence, FIDA-Kenya has fought for women’s rights, improved access to justice for over 4,000,000 women through legal aid, and advocated for laws that protect women’s rights through policy and legislative advocacy. These actions have improved the lives of women. To advance women’s individual and collective power to assert their rights in all spheres of life, FIDA-Kenya is committed to fostering a society that respects and upholds women’s rights.

FIDA-Kenya has been successful in carrying out several initiatives aimed at eradicating violence against women. We have been able to help women and girls seek legal remedy through our access to justice program by offering pro bono services to the survivors. In addition, we provide group counseling and emotional support to help the survivors deal with the fallout from the violence. FIDA has been successful in connecting clients with rescue facilities in desperate situations to prevent further violence.

To address the rising number of GBV cases reported in the nation, FIDA-Kenya introduced a toll-free line (0800 720 501) on April 15, 2020. This allowed our clients a chance to seek legal aid and psychosocial support. As of post-election, we had received a total of 12,812 cases by 31st August 2022 which continues to increase daily.

Further, to monitor, record, and report cases of Electoral-related SGBV during the lead-up to, during, and after the election, FIDA-Kenya established an ESGBV monitoring center and deployed 100 monitors throughout all 47 counties in Kenya. Monitors transmitted the information to FIDA- Kenya via a secure reporting portal, enabling FIDA- Kenya to confirm the details and take further action as necessary. During this period, a total of 1,746 cases were reported.

This proves that there is still a lot of work to be done to end violence against women. Over the campaign’s 16 days, FIDA aims to assist regional CBOs through community outreach initiatives, radio talk shows, the distribution of dignity packs, and legal aid services. While women and children are typically the only ones who experience sexual abuse, men bear an equal share of the burden, and without any support systems, their mental and physical health decline, and the stigma reduces their likelihood of surviving. Emotional violence is just as dangerous as physical violence. Where a man fights with his fists, a woman fights with her words. The words cut as deep as his blows.

We implore each of you to fight against all forms of GBV because it prevents us from living in a society that is free from violence. Let’s strive to fight unwaveringly for the survivors throughout this campaign and hold the government responsible for keeping its GEF commitments.

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