2022 ESGBV Report-Kenya’s General Elections
FIDA-Kenya’s elections monitoring strategy sought to promote electoral integrity, and strengthen FIDA-Kenya’s capacity to encourage women’s participation, engage in policy advocacy and foster governmental accountability within and beyond the election cycle. The FIDA -Kenya board, membership and secretariat involvement in the process were invaluable in ensuring success in the process.
Electoral Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence violates human rights while discouraging women from participating in politics, contributing to the disenfranchisement of voters. Forms of Electoral Related Gender Based Violence reported included: physical and verbal abuse during campaigns, sexual violence, voter fraud, defamation, and questions on the competence of female candidates to hold leadership positions.
According to former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, “impunity for violence against women amplifies the effects of such violence as a control mechanism.” When the state fails to hold criminals accountable, impunity exacerbates the victims’ subordination and powerlessness and conveys to society that male violence against women is both expected and unavoidable.” This reflects the challenges female candidates and their surrogates face, despite protective mechanisms within the Kenyan legal framework.
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