
2020 Annual Report

2020 was a turning point for FIDA-Kenya in many ways. We celebrated 35 years of service to humanity and providing services to the needy in the country impacting positively on Kenyan women.

FIDA-Kenya has over the years earned its place as a premier women rights organization because of the work we do and the trust we have earned from all quarters. Our commitment to advocating for policy and legislative reforms for the advancement of women`s rights remain unshaken. Our goal is to be the leader in framing and informing women`s rights discourse. This report summarizes FIDA Kenya`s activities commemorating of 35 years anniversary.

The year 2020 also saw the world grappling with the Coronavirus pandemic, the worst global health disaster of the century. The onset of Covid- 19 led to a drastic alteration in the day-to-day lifestyle with most of the work being done from home, and efforts made to maintain social distance. These measures are crucial to the protection of healthcare systems.

However, just like a coin has two sides, the positive efforts to tackle COVID-19 have negative consequences associated with them. These negative consequences include the loss of jobs, economic vulnerabilities, and psychological health issues resulting from isolation, loneliness, and uncertainty. This contributed to a surge
in Gender based violence, teen pregnancies, drugs and substance abuse among adolescents among other vices.

The risk and realities of COVID-19 hindered movement and operations in the execution of FIDA Kenya activities and interventions. Like many other organizations, FIDA- Kenya had to take important and necessary steps ranging from changes in the service delivery mode to shifting to a new paradigm moving to digital solutions. This included launch of the toll-free number to ensure that clients continue to receive the much-needed services. FIDA- Kenya also launched Virtual Justice Centres in all its three (3) offices to ensure that our clients continue to attend court sessions. FIDA- Kenya continued to offer online counselling to needy  clients.

Similarly, our staff had to make huge sacrifices to get the organization to where it is today. May I take this opportunity to commend them for their commitment and dedication in serving the women of Kenya.

The 2020 annual report takes you through the journey of FIDA- Kenya; successes, challenges, lessons learnt
and the promise we give to the women of Kenya for the year 2021. Achieving our ambitions for 2021 represents a great challenge for us. The demands for service for our Kenyan women outstrip the supply,
yet we have to find ways and alternatives for meeting such demands in a fragile environment.

We remain committed to ensure our clients’ needs are met through improved programmes to make service
delivery better while at the same time ensure that our staffs are healthy and inspired.

Download the full report HERE

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